The Fanatic! Fantasies Project


The scenario: Imagine that you are going to be a guest on Harmony In My Head. You're going to want to pick out your favorite 8-9 songs for broadcast, but you want to make sure your selections are good because you'll really want to knock Henry and his audience of Fanatics out. What 8-9 songs do you choose?

Want to participate?* Email me and I'll tell you what to do.

*Disclaimer: This is NOT a contest. You will not actually be a guest on Harmony In My Head if you participate. This is pure fantasy -- a way for fellow Fanatics to share their music picks with other fans of Harmony In My Head.


Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Direct Download


01. Johnny Cash - The Man Comes Around
02. Henry Rollins - Lonesome, On'ry, And Mean
03. Superjoint Ritual - Waiting For The Turning Point
04. Bauhaus - Ziggy Stardust
05. Mission of Burma - That's When I Reach For My Revolver
06. Hepcat - Country Time
07. Leonard Cohen - Everybody Knows
08. Sam Kinison - Love Song


Aaron T. said...

Good choice on the Leonard Cohen tune. That's my favorite song from that particular album. My favorite stuff of his is his early early stuff where he still sounds so young, just before his voice took that extra-deep tenor.

Probably my favorite song of his is "So Long, Marianne."

Love that Cash track, too.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006 11:11:00 AM  

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