#43: October 26, 2014

Hour 1
01. The Adverts - Television’s Over / Singles Collection
02. Total Control - Hunter / Typical System
03. Ty Segall - Feel / single
04. Die Cheerleader - Christ With Teeth / Filth By Association
05. Charlie Harper - Talk Is Cheap / Diminished Responsibility
06. Devo – Blockhead / Duty Now For The Future
07. Straight Arrows - Bad Temper / It’s Happening
08. The Mob - Witch Hunt / Let The Tribe Increase
09. Poison Girls - Closed Shop / Labels Unlimited Comp.
10. Those Naughty Lumps - Iggy Pop’s Jacket / Labels Unlimited Comp.
11. Iggy Pop - The Passenger / Lust For Life
12. David Bowie - Always Crashing In The Same Car / Low
13. Kraftwerk - Trans Europa Express / Trans Europa Express

Hour 2
01. Buzzcocks - Harmony in My Head / Singles Going Steady
02. Pseudo Existors - Beyond The Zone / Stamp Out Normality
03. The Sods – Pathetic / Minutes to Go
04. Spittin’ Teeth - Destruction / demo
05. The Snakes - Six O’Clock / I Won’t Love You (Til You’re More like Me)
06. The Misfits – Halloween / 12 Hits From Hell
07. Teen Idles - Trans Am / Dischord 100
08. One Last Wish - Break to Broken / 1986
09. Rowland S. Howard - Sleep Alone / Six Strings That Drew Blood
10. Suicide - Ghost Rider / Suicide
11. Angry Angles - Blockhead / single
12. Hawkwind – Motorhead / Warrior On The Edge Of Time
13. Discharge - It’s No T.V. Sketch / Why
14. Trouble Funk - Trouble Funk Express / Singles

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