October 27, 2019

Hour 1

Psychic Attack - Ruts DC
Woolly Bully - Hit & Run
Hold Me Closerr - Eddie Kidd
Fantastical Fascists - Thin Lizzy
Fantastical Fascists - The Ruts
Fantastical Fascists - Gary Moore
Cover Up - Misty In Roots
In A Rut - The Ruts
Tomorrow's World - Pete Zear
Sun & The Stars Ft. Segs - Ruts DC

Hour 2

The Vox Teardrop - Ruts DC
The Crack - The Ruts
Martian Hop - The Ran-Dells
Rudi Got Married - Laurel Aitken
Whatever We Do Dub - Ruts DC
War On Crime - Ruts DC
Something That I Said - The Ruts
Shadow - Tara Rez

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www.rollins-archive.com is an unofficial fan site. It is not affiliated with Henry Rollins, 2.13.61, KCRW, Indie 103.1 FM, or any other nutty thing you may think of. I'm just a fan like the rest of you.