Good day everyone. New guy here.
I've been exploring the back end of the site for a few weeks and it looks like I am the third or fourth person, at a minimum, to have a hand in running the place. Partly because I'm fussy and partly because there are upgrades behind the scenes that need to happen, I've been cleaning up the backend in preparation. Regularizing the file structure from way back in the Indy 103 era is on the list.
At the time, Harmony was on commercial radio and had 5-8 commercial breaks. In order to skip commercials, each show was recorded and posted in multiple parts.
I've taken the parts of the very first show from 17 May, 2004 and joined them in a process that is suppossed to be lossless, relative to the already compressed files at my disposal, linked here:
May 17, 2004 test and the original broadcast.
If you have a moment and can compare the new file to the old parts, I'd appreciate some feedback before continuing to revise those old files. If successful I anticipate very slowly changing the links of the original show posts to replace the multipart files with single downloads.